Scenario 1  »  Scenario 2  »  Statements  »  Results


For each statement choose the answer with which you most agree. For those statements where you would like more information or feel the response would depend on circumstances, please just select the answer closest to what you think is most likely and go with your initial reaction or response.


Alfredo is a 7-year-old child who has been identified as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). His classroom teacher describes him as an intelligent boy who is often impulsive and disruptive in class. She also stated that he has difficulty paying attention even when a staff member is sitting next to him. Despite being in a very structured classroom environment, Alfredo frequently interrupts others, has difficulty remaining seated, and has recently become more verbally and physically aggressive towards both staff and his peers. Alfredo is an only child who lives at home with his mother. Alfredo’s mother describes her parenting style as relaxed and stated that he sometimes does not follow her directives at home.

DisagreeHow strongly do you agree with the following statements?

    Alfredo is choosing to behave this way
    There is a mismatch between the teaching approach and the learning style
    Alfredo is unable to control his behaviour due to his ADHD
    The lack of boundaries in the home has led to the behaviours in class

DisagreeHow strongly do you agree with the following interventions?

    Ensure there are clear classroom rules and clear consequences
    Medicate Alfredo for his ADHD
    Work with Alfredo to design learning activities that increase his engagement
    Encourage Alfredo to manage his own behaviour